Every 2-4 weeks in a high use environment or 3-6 months in home use the screw drives in the back of the machine should be lubricated.
(if you have brass shavings and screw drive wear, clean and do this immediately)

  1. Remove the back door
  2. Put a 1/2” to 1” line of grease above and below the aluminum drive block on the screw drive on each side (We use LubriMatic 11316 Multi-Purpose Grease or Molykote 44)
  3. Turn the machine on
  4. Allow the machine to go through its entire start up sequence where the screw drive runs to the bottom to get the ball and then all the way to the top.
  5. Visually inspect the drive to insure good distribution of lubrication, if there is not repeat the process


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