Bar Self-Test

To initiate the bar self-test, move a joystick in any direction. During the self-test:

  • The bar will descend to retrieve the ball.
  • The ball will be cycled into a scoring hole.
  • The ball will return to the gate, and the bar will move to the top of the playfield.


  • In Coin-Op Mode, the game will default to attract mode, automatically cycling through the self-test procedure.
  • In Free Play Mode, the game will remain idle until the START button is pressed.

Manual Bar Testing via the App

You can also manually test the bar and view its status using the companion app. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the app and select LIVE VIEW. Begin play to observe the status of each servo on the left hand side of the app labeled MOTORS.
  2. Start the game by inserting a coin (in Coin-Op Mode) or pressing START (in Free Play Mode).
  3. The bar will move to the bottom of the playfield, open the gate, and release the ball.

To test bar movement:

4. Remove the ball from the bar.
5. Use the joysticks to move the bar all the way to the top and bottom on each side.
6. Observe the LIVE VIEW screen in the app, where the bar positions will be displayed on the left side. The bar should stop at the top and bottom end stops without issues.

If the bar requires maintenance see troubleshooting section of the manual.


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