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Ball Rod Lubrication

MAINTENANCE » Lubrication Of Mechanical Parts » Ball Rod Lubrication

Every 2-4 weeks in a high use environment or 3-6 months in home use the rod the ball travels on and the pivot points should be lubricated. Remove the cover glass Put one drop of PTFE based lubricant (we use DuPont Teflon Multi-Use Lubricant) Put three drops of…

Bar / Ball gate adjustment

MAINTENANCE » Bar / Ball gate adjustment

If Game Ball is not coming out of Gate hole or if ball is hitting glass when it rolls out of gate. Remove back door Facing back of game locate aluminum block attached to screw drive on the right hand side. loosen screws holding adjustment tab to aluminum block and…

Ball Gate is Sticking open

MAINTENANCE » » Ball Gate is Sticking open

Remove Back of Game, Locate locking nut holding Ball Gate pivot screw and place vice grips on nut. Remove front glass and tighten pivot screw, then back screw out until Ball Gate moves freely. After adjustment, put loc-tite on nut to prevent screw from tightening…

Installing Ball Gate spring assembly

MAINTENANCE » Installing Ball Gate spring assembly

Installing Ball Gate spring assembly 1) Remove Upper Ball Gate Pivot Screw 2) Remove wooden plug from pivot point, push out from front of Playfield 3) Install existing Torsion spring on new pivot shaft, as shown below 4) Insert Black Nylon sleeve into…

Bar Self-Test and Manual Testing

“ICE COLD BEER” GAME SET-UP » Initial Testing Procedures » Bar Self-Test and Manual Testing

Bar Self-Test To initiate the bar self-test, move a joystick in any direction. During the self-test: The bar will descend to retrieve the ball. The ball will be cycled into a scoring hole. The ball will return to the gate, and the bar will move to the top of the…

Servo Alignment Procedure

MAINTENANCE » Servo Alignment Procedure

1) Remove Glass & Back door 2) Disconnect both screw drive motors from back LED board 3) Power on game, servo should cycle from Ball gate to return hole and back to Ball gate 4) Connect to game with the Ice Cold Beer app 5) Select Calibration then select Servo …

Testing Hole No. 1

“ICE COLD BEER” GAME SET-UP » Initial Testing Procedures » Testing Hole No. 1

After you have tested the bar, place the ball onto the metal return at the bottom and allow it to roll into the return hole. The servo should return the ball to the gate. Select “LIVE VIEW” in the Ice Cold Beer app if you have not already done so. On…

Initial Testing Procedures

“ICE COLD BEER” GAME SET-UP » Initial Testing Procedures

Initial Testing Procedures The following testing procedures ensure your Ice Cold Beer™ game is functioning correctly. After initial setup, perform these two tests: the Bar Test and the Hole Test. Bar Test : Verifies that the bar can travel across the entire…


“ICE COLD BEER” GAME SET-UP » Introduction

Retro Arcade LLC is pleased to re-introduce Taito’s “ICE COLD BEER“™ , a celebrated remake of this arcade icon. The object of the game is for the player to maneuver the ball with the joysticks that moves the bar to position the ball in the lit hole.…

Game Leveling


How to Level ICE COLD BEER™ Position a level in the center of the control panel. Adjust the leg levelers to ensure the machine is perfectly level from left to right. This is the most critical aspect of leveling and should be prioritized. Confirm the machine is…

Monthly Maintenance

MAINTENANCE » Monthly Maintenance

The ICE COLD BEER™ machine should be inspected monthly to maintain optimal performance. Use the following checklist for a thorough inspection: Lubricate the screw drives, drive slides, and bar assembly to ensure smooth movement. Tighten all Allen bolts on the…

Leg Leveler Installation

“ICE COLD BEER” GAME SET-UP » Leg Leveler Installation

ICE COLD BEER™ is equipped with leg levelers that must be installed and adjusted before the game is ready to play. Improper adjustment of the levelers can prevent the ball from reliably returning to the bar. The leg levelers are shipped behind the coin door in the…

Game Settings

“ICE COLD BEER” GAME SET-UP » Dip Switch Settings » Game Settings

Here you can select ICB Coin Op for coin operated play or Freeplay (Zeke’s peak is coming soon!) If you select “ICB Coin Op”, you may also select the number of coins required to start a game under “Coinage” (Selection between a one and…

Screw drive lubrication

MAINTENANCE » Lubrication Of Mechanical Parts » Screw drive lubrication

Every 2-4 weeks in a high use environment or 3-6 months in home use the screw drives in the back of the machine should be lubricated. (if you have brass shavings and screw drive wear, clean and do this immediately) Remove the back door Put a 1/2” to 1”…

Playfield Removal

MAINTENANCE » Playfield Removal

1. Remove top bar holding glass & remove glass 2. Remove 2 screws under marquee light or bolts & remove ball from gate 3. Remove back of game & unplug coin door, control panel & Power supply connectors 4. Remove wire clamp holding wiring harness to playfield …