Initial Testing Procedures
The following testing procedures ensure your Ice Cold Beer™ game is functioning correctly. After initial setup, perform these two tests: the Bar Test and the Hole Test.
Bar Test : Verifies that the bar can travel across the entire playfield without binding.
Hole Test : Confirms that the lit holes illuminate in the correct sequence.
Follow these steps before conducting the tests:
Remove the playfield glass: See Cover Glass Removal instructions.
Ensure the ball is behind the playfield gate. If not, insert the ball through a scoring hole to position it correctly.
Turn the game on.
Connect the ICE COLD BEER app to the game.
Once the app is open, select “LIVE VIEW”
On the left you will see the position of the stepper motors controlling the bar.
In the middle you will see icons indicating which lights are on.
On the right you will see the output of the seven segment display.
On the bottom right, you will see the start button which will be flashing if the game is on freeplay or coins are inserted.
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